What are the different types of landscapes?

List of different types of landscape. Desert, plain, taiga, tundra, wetland, mountain, mountain range, cliff, coast, coastal zone, glacier, polar regions of the Earth, thickets, forest, jungle, moors, steppe, valley.

They can be a mixture of different orogenic expressions and terrains, for example, inclined sheets, raised blocks, folded mountains and volcanic landforms, resulting in a variety of rock types.

An escarpment (or escarpment) is a type of cliff formed by the movement of a geological fault or a landslide, or by the differential erosion of rock layers of different toughness. Sometimes a cliff vanishes at the end of a ridge and tea tables or other types of rock columns remain.

Coastal outcrops provide abundant nutrients that feed krill, a type of marine crustacean, which in turn feeds a complex of living creatures, from penguins to blue whales. The erosive power of water gives rise to certain types of landforms, such as sand dunes and estuaries. This can be the type of mature vegetation in a particular region that remains stable over time, or a community in transition that forms temporarily as a result of a disturbance, such as a fire.